Monday 8 February 2010

Demolish the Vulcan?

From Brew Wales

Demolish the Vulcan? Well that was the headline in the Echo the other day as customer Alan Grainger attempted to plug his book that features the Vulcan.
He may not like the new customers in the pub, but it is now thriving every night whereas a few years ago it was closing at night due to lack of trade. The Vulcan is the last old building standing in the area and there are no more terraced houses for the foundry workers who originally frequented the area. The Vulcan has moved with the times, where once it slaked the thirsts of dehydated iron workers today thirsty media studies students from across the road crowd the small bar and lounge to quench their thirsts on pints of Brains SA and Bitter. Move with the times, that is what this successful old pub has done and the Brew Wales editor enjoyed a good night in there the other Monday, washing down a few pints of Brains Bitter, the best pint to be had of it in Cardiff.
Long may the Vulcan survive as the great little pub that it is.

There is also a response to Alan Grainger on the Save the Vulcan site here.

From Brew Wales

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