Best to visit this place between 1700 and 1900 hrs as its happy hour so beers are £2 a pint. Cardiff`s 3rd brewery offers on the site brewed beers, pizzas cooked in their open kitchen and arty uncomfortable seating. Art-deco building gives rise to a boutique brewery which is a bonus for Cardiff but it does have a rather clinical ambiece.
The beers , well they are all carbonated (admitted by zero degrees staff) so we are left with fizzy "keg" beers. But its a brewery and they do a taster of all 5 of their different brews for £2.50. My own personal tasting notes follow:
Pale ale - not that pale, slighty hazy, well over-carbonated but an excellent dry finish.
Black lager - very coffish in fact almost overpowering. Wow a breakfast beer if ever I tried one.
Wheat ale - for some reason part of an orange was put into the glass (hint its lemon in a wheat beer but only in the North of Germany) spicy fizzy yeasty and cloudy - dreadful if you want a decent British wheat beer then go to a Sam Smiths pub.
Mango beer -yeasty cloudy and, well Crap.
Last one to try is the Pilsner - sparkling clear and after half an hour after being poured is still fizzing proving that the so called "real ales" are under CO2 pressure. Actually the pilsner is very good - smooth, good ,hoppy aftertaste despite being under blanket pressure something the Campaign for Real Ale is willing to allow now in the Good Beer Guide as they allow Bristol Zero Degrees in.
Hi, I have worked for Zerodegrees for 4 years and can say 100% that the beers ARE NOT CARBONATED. All of the staff are trained on the brewing process to a very high standard so it must have been a newbie who served you I'm afraid. If anyone still doesn't believe me please feel free to pop in and I can give you a tour and a tasting. If you come in before 2pm you can usually even talk to our brewer and he can go through the ins and outs with you in even finer detail.
Then why were Zero Degrees saying their beers are carbonated on their website? Site was rebuilt earlier this year and the reference to "carbonated beers" was removed. I'm only going by what I've been told by the comapny both by an employee and their website. Beers do taste fizzy though.
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