Tuesday 21 July 2009

Wikio Rankings

Well Brew Wales had a nice surprise today when the Wikio rankings for Wine and Beer Blogs in the UK appeared.
Hardly expected to be in the top 10 but the editor was more than a little pleased at the number 2 ranking, behind a wine blog, Spittoon, at number 1, but ahead of other beer blogs the editor regularly reads. This is very likely only temporary blip as there were a lot of hits for the Great Welsh Beer & Cider Festival. Still not bad to be at number 2 for a month and in the top 400 of UK Bloggers.

Of course this blog attracts its fair share of nutters, one of whom attempted to run a blog called 'Sane Brewer Responds' in an attempt to use the internet to declare his sanity to the world. Unfortunately this blog is no longer in existence as the disturbed individual could not even find anything to write to prove his sanity. Instead he has commanded one of his catamites to attack me on a different blog. Now I'm not going to name the person concerned, but there is a link to his malicious lies on the right hand link section, if the 'Sane Brewer' chooses to click onto his brewery link he will be taken to his loony-tune website. Naturally the author of the attack site blog refuses to identify himself and the coward hides behind the anonymity of a pseudonym. Oh and he also has comments turned off, despite the fact Brew Wales have allowed his unedited ramblings to appear on this site.
The photo of me used for the attack blog was also used without the permission of the photographer. Still copyright theft is just another item to add to the long list of dodgy dealings by this person, who I understand is related to European Royalty. At least I'm sure I've heard other brewers refer to him as a 'Count', or did i mishear?


unclewilco said...

well done Arfur.. they don't seem to have a category for shed blogs mind you...

Mark Dredge said...

Nice one! I'm glad they split out the wine and beer from the gastronomy - it gives us beer guys more of a chance!!



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