Thursday 15 January 2009

Save the Vulcan

The Vulcan pub in Adam Street, Cardiff has been serving customers since 1853 and yet is set to be demolished so that a multi-story car park can be built on the site.

A public meeting will be held on 29th January at 7pm in the
'ATRiuM' building - (directly opposite The Vulcan on Adam Street). A map of the area can be found - HERE

Other ways to lend your support are ...

Write to the Heritage Minister Alun Ffred Jones, urging him to list the building - (he has powers independent of CADW to list things) that'd be really helpful.

His contact details are:


Snail-Mail: Alun Ffred Jones AM, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.

Write into - (and urge others to do so as well) - the South Wales press ...

The Western Mail (

The South Wales Echo (

Please sign the online petition at -

CADW have continually refused to list the pub, despite the tiled frontage, old Brains windows and the 1950s Guinness is good for you sign that has been recently uncovered on the side.

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