Saturday 5 May 2012

Farewell to (Hereford) Arms

The Hereford Arms in Newport has finally closed for good and is awaiting conversion into flats. The popular pub, situated just off Chepstow Road in Maindee pulled its lasts pints last week and is now boarded up waiting for the inevitable fire to happen or for squatters to take hold . A great shame as this late-Victorian boozer was a popular pub and even had its own smoking solution in the yard at the rear. 
The pub was originally owned by local brewers Phillip's and then by Courage and Ushers Brewery. County Estates owned it in recent years and then Alderbourne Limited. None of the recent owners seemed that interested in the pub and it was sold at an auction in London last year in a not-too-well publicised event, ie, ot at the usual pub auction or via one of the usual agents such as Sidney Phillips or Fleurets.
Another Newport pub closure!


Anonymous said...

I heard that closed about 2 weeks ago; off a local!

What other Newport pub closure other than the Argus reporting the Social Club on Baneswell, and Courtybella Sports and Social Club(wherever that is)? Newport Town centre is swimming in them

Anonymous said...

It's re-opened


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