Thursday 26 March 2009

Where's Your Food From?

From the BBC, a report by Denbighshire Trading Standards found that 21% of descriptions on menus were false. National pub chains were the worse with 47% making false descriptions as opposed to only 16% for independent pubs.
Amongst the misstruths were:
"Home made" soup - bought in frozen
"Local" sea bass - found to be farmed abroad
"Locally-farmed" turkey - came from a distance
"Cardigan Bay mackerel" - imported from abroad
"Welsh lamb casserole" - a ready meal and the lamb was not Welsh

Terms such as local, Welsh, fresh, traditional and homemade were found to be increasingly used on menus to encourage customers and attract premium prices.
The report did not mention any pubs passing off the Zebu as steak though, which one major pub company does do, although they do not call it 'beef'.

Photo- a Zebu which appears on British pub menus as 'steak'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I already know this about many pubs which is why I only eat at pubs where I know the Landlord personally.


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