Wednesday 1 August 2012

Black Falls Hopjam

Black Falls is the name given to the one-off specials produced by Jay Thomas at Neath Ales. Now Jay produces some of my favourite beers, his Green Bullet is an all time favourite both in cask and bottle and he is a bit of a hophead so I know what to expect with his beers which you hardly ever see outside of the Neath area. It was a nice surprise to find this one on in the Commercial in Pontymister, although I had set my tastebuds up for a Tiny Rebel session, unfortunately none of their beers were available so a rather insipid Purple Moose Madog and a diactyl-laden Abbeydale Abbey were sampled before this hop-bomb hit the taste buds.
Colour: Deep golden-yellow
Aroma: Freshly-mown grass, Granny Smith apples and some earthy tones
Taste: Imagine your mouth is an old glass lemon squeezer with the ridges your tastebuds. Now imagine a grapefruit being squeezed over that. Yes that is what this beer does to your mouth, a puckeringly dry grapefruit flavour that then mellows into pineapple and other citrus flavours.
Aftertaste: When the citrus flavours decline the bitterness kicks in, a long, lingering bitter flavour with an astringent finish.
Verdict: Want more!

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