Will be back to normal soon once over the dreaded lurgy which has left my taste buds so numbed that even the bottles of Otley and Brewdog taste like the watered-down gnats piss from a multi-national lager producer.
However the time off has not gone to waste, expect some news on pub closures coming soon - Monmouthshire has been the area I looked at over Christmas/New Year - another double digit number to add to the closures already recorded in Cardiff and Newport. Also a Freedom of Information request I made to the Welsh Assembly government has been quite interesting, will post on that one in the next few weeks as well. Finally got around over the holidays to reading a couple of books - the Old Dog and Duck, reviewed earlier and the excellent McCarthy's Bar by Pete McCarthy - a drinking and cultural crawl around Eire, published some 10 years ago but only just got around to reading it. Very good and packed full of laughs on every page.
And the title of the post? Fermenting, well like the ciders I produce that's what I have been doing over Christmas/New Year, slowly using a few good bits of sugar-coated information to produce the finished product on these pages.
If anyone is interested the photo above was taken at Broome Farm near Ross-on-Wye
Normal service will be resumed soon.
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