Thursday 24 April 2008

Church wants to compete with the pub

A failing church in Pennal, near Machynlleth is trying to steal customers from struggling local pubs by applying for an alcohol license. As well as serving pints and spirits (not just holy) the Rev Geraint ap Iorwerth wants to put a plasma screen in place of the rood screen. With the full backing of the Church in Wales the Rev Geri wants to create a community pub instead of a church. With pub closures hitting 4 a day in the UK, the last thing the pub industry needs is some trendy vicar competing face-to-face with struggling pubs. Where will it all end - the Tintern Abbey Nightclub? How about the Strata Florida Superpub? Although it would be good to see brewing return to those premises they are not controlled by the try-to-be trendy church in Wales. Mind you turning a church into a pub might not be a bad thing - the crypts would make perfect cellars but will we see the Rev James on handpump? Or even a pint of Bishop's Finger?

A bevy of vicars celebrate the Reverend James Buckley

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