An excellent drinking establishment serving Brains Bitter and SA but unfortunately threatend with demolishion to make way for a car park. The Vulcan has been serving excellent beer for over 150 years and attacts a wide clientele. It's attracting a lot of students recently due to the fact that the university building opposite does not have a bar! This 2 bar pub - unique in Cardiff if you don't count chav palaces, offers good beer and is decorated with old photos of Cardiff and its maritime past. Settles around the wall provide seating and a trip to the gents to see the Original brown porcelin urinals is a must. Surely a case must be made for listing this tilled pub with its Brains brewery windows and Guiness is good for you hoarding on the side. The Vulcan has previously been Cardiff CAMRA branch pub of the year and has appeared in the Good Beer Guide and the Rough Pub Guide. Loosing the Vulcan would be a loss not just to Cardiff but to the country as a whole. It's a proper pub for real people, not a concept, theme or chav-palace superpub. Save the Vulcan
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