
Sunday 24 March 2013

One of my nearby pubs

I'm fortunate in having a few pubs close to where I live, unfortunately most are pretty shit, the Man of Gwent in Newport being no execption. This visit is only my second in two years, which beats my usual record of once every 4 years.
Popped in on a Sunday afternoon to find the place packed and feral kids running wild throughout the pub. Only one beer on, an average pint of Wells Bombardier at £2.85/pint and, according to the staff a 50 minute wait for food. The pub is a former Courage/pubco that went bust pub, now operated by Flaming Grill Pub Co. The one redeeming feature of the place is free WiFi via The Cloud.
Apparently, the pub held a beer festival last year but it was not very successful as they failed to tell anyone about it! Hint for Flaming Grill Pub Co there are 2 beer-guzzling hacks who live 10 minutes walk away from the pub and would be happy to support your beer festival if we knew about it! It was not even mentioned in the email newsletter sent out by the pub!
Rant over!


  1. I have a Flaming Grill Pub Co. place near me and it's almost exactly the same except they only ever have Doom Bar on, there was a time when they didn't have any real ale on.
    They also had a festival and told no one, not that it would have made any difference in this area.

  2. My local 3 horse shoes pub at least has Otley, but that's the only reason to visit it.
    Speaking of having a beer festival and keeping quiet about it The White Cross Inn in Groeswen is having one over the Easter weekend. They've got bands playing and I think a BBQ but the only way I know about it is because I they mentioned it to me weeks ago and I had to phone them up to confirm the details.

  3. My local 3 horse shoes pub at least has Otley, but that's the only reason to visit it.
    Speaking of having a beer festival and keeping quiet about it The White Cross Inn in Groeswen is having one over the Easter weekend. They've got bands playing and I think a BBQ but the only way I know about it is because I they mentioned it to me weeks ago and I had to phone them up to confirm the details.


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