
Saturday 14 January 2012

Newport Wetherspoons used by paedophile for drugs and grooming

Regular readers of this blog will know I'm not a fan of the Wetherspoons chain of pubs but the story in the South Wales Argus today (no online version yet) shows the type of customers that frequent the Queens Hotel in Bridge Street, Newport, and the depths to which their clientèle have sunk to:

This story does not even make front-page news or even top of the page news; it's on the bottom of page 5. 
To quote the paper, "The first time [they met] was at the Queens Hotel in Newport in January last year...  there was use of controlled drugs".
Use of drugs, children being groomed on the premises? A few years ago when Chaverspoons announced that they were taking over the Queens I wrote that Newport was stepping into the abyss, it seems as if the City has now reached those depths.
No mention in the paper if any Chaverspoons staff have faced disciplinary action over this to occur on their premises and their PR department have not got back to me today but if this happened a few years ago the pub would have no doubt lost its license. It's a fact that badly-run pubs attract dodgy customers and encourage bad behaviour so, I challenge Tim Martin, boss of JD Wetherspoons to start to clean up this pub by sacking the manager who allowed this behaviour to occur on the premises. Go on Tim, have the guts to clean your own pubs up before taking on Europe!

A bit of historical reference here, I used to work in the Queens Hotel when it was owned by Belhaven Inns so I'm familiar with the pub and the drinking culture in Newport, but the grooming and drugging of 14 year-old girls by a Muslim sex offender is something that Wetherspoons must stop at all costs.

Update: 16.01.12 - the Argus appear not to have put the story online, but they have mentioned it in a different story here.


  1. Why is 'Muslim' relevant?

  2. The grooming of underage girls by members of that community is not reported by the main stream media such as the BBC.

  3. I have just read this article and i can't see any mention of the mans religion. Why are you assuming he is muslim?

  4. Said gentleman like many of his faith in Newport consider several pints in Wetherchavs to be the new way of praying to Allah.

  5. He has an Arabic name. You are drawing your own (telling) conclusions as to his religion (if he follows one).

  6. He has an Arabic/Islamic/Muslim first name and surname and he lived on Corporation Road Newport. Draw your own conclusions as to his religion.

  7. what has his religion what to do with anything any way? its the way he used girls for sex, treating them like prositutes because he couldnt get anything simpler! take it from a girl who has actually met him, he is a very vile and disgusting man that should of been put away ages ago!! his religion has nothing what so ever to do with what he has done.

  8. So following a religion founded by a paedophile has nothing to do with his actions?


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