
Monday 28 November 2011

Beer and Food Matching at Kilverts

 The award-winning Kilverts in Hay-on-Wye have come together with the Brecon Brewing Company
 to put together a 5 course meal matched with food.

This will take place at Kilverts, on Friday 2nd December, as a part of the Hay Winter Festival. The evening will be as follows :

A 5 course menu, pairing the best in local ingredients with local ales. To further demonstrate how well ale and food go well together, each dish uses ale (or cider!) in its preparation. Brecon’s Buster Grant will be co-hosting the evening in Kilvert’s new private dining room.

Erdinger Dunkel Risotto
A creamy vegetarian risotto made with the darker brother of the famous Wheat beer
Paired with Pale Beacons, 3.9% Light and hoppy pale bronze ale

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Fresh Welsh Mussels
Off the rope from the Gower, with Gwynt y Ddraig cider & Smoked Bacon
Paired with Bright Beacons, 4.5% Very pale best bitter

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Pork Roulade
with apricot stuffing and a Gold Beacons, roasted apple & baby onion sauce
Paired with Gold Beacons, 4.2% Deep golden ale

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Chocolate Brownies
made with Cwrw-istmas Beacons, served with Chantilly Cream
Paired with Cwrw-istmas Beacons, Pale chestnut in colour,
brewed with a blend of Christmas fruits and spices – just like a pud!

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Shropshire Blue and Brie
Paired with the last ever barrel of Ysbrid Y Ddraig, 6.5% whisky-aged IPA
and Wandering Beacons, 5.0% Dark chestnut strong best bitter

£30 inc drinks

To book please call 01497 821042 or email

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