
Friday 12 August 2011

Ely Brewery Price List

I was in the Cross Inn, Garth, Maesteg the other day, home to the excellent Cerddin Brewery (review in the South Wales Echo tomorrow, Saturday 13.08.11) and in a back corridor of this gem of a pub I came across on old 1951 price list from Ely Brewery of Cardiff. According to Dave, the landlord it was found down the back of a seat in the pub during a refurbishment. Interesting range of drinks supplied by the brewery - everything from beer and pre-mixed cocktails to champagne.

Of course the beer prices are the ones that interest me - notice the price of two pint flagons - this was in the days of all day closing on Sundays so takeouts were needed for Sunday - either that or a trip to the clubs that were unaffected by the Sunday Closing Act. The BBC have recently published an article on Sunday Closing here.
The National Archives have a currency converter - unfortunately it does not have every year and it only goes up to 2005 but it gives a rough interpretation of the prices. Have used 1950 prices as a comparison. 
Dark and Bitter would be £1.33 in 2005
Pale Ale would be £1.52 in 2005

Home Brewed would be £3.80/flagon (incl 38p deposit on bottle), £1.99/pint (incl deposit 28p) and £1.04/half (incl 19p deposit).
You can work the rest out for yourself, I don't want to get to tied up in old figures like some bloggers!

Ely Brewery was bought by Rhymney Brewery in 1959 and demolished in 1963. 

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