
Thursday 17 February 2011

Pubs add a billion pounds to the Welsh Economy every year

 A new report commissioned by the British Beer & Pub Association has revealed that 51,000 people are dependent on jobs in the beer and pub industries in Wales with £600 million in wages being dependent on the trade which adds £1 billion to the Welsh economy every year.

The full report, written by Oxford Economics is available here (pdf)

The UK figures are equally impressive:

• 980,000 people in the UK depend on beer and pubs for work
• The beer and pub trade adds over £21 billion to the UK economy every year
• £13.4 billion in UK wages are dependent on the trade, each year

With pubs so important to the economy in Wales, is it not time the Welsh Assembly Government started to support them? Instead the WAG seem intent on supporting the neo-prohibitionists such as Fake Charity Alcohol Concern Wales who rely on Government funding of £250,000/pa to produce negative and incorrect reports such as this one?

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