
Tuesday 26 January 2010

Dick Emery in 1970s Newport Pub

Spent part of the weekend digitising some old family photos and this one came to light, taken in the 1970s it shows comedian Dick Emery washing up glasses behind the bar of the Six Bells in Newport, much to the amusement of landlord Eric Read. It turns out that Dick was doing a show near Usk and had popped into the Six Bells on Stow Hill for a lunchtime drink and started joking with the regulars, at which the landlord suggested he might as well work behind the bar, so Dick started to serve customers and even helped clear up when the pub shut in the afternoon.
Also if you look at the photo, you can see how much pubs have changed since the 1970s; the cigarettes openly on sale behind the bar, the three Martini Bottles on optics,not sure if there are even three varities of Martini available today?
For younger readers, Dick Emery was the comedian of 1970s television and its also a good excuse to embed a couple of clips found on You Tube:

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are awful. But I do like you.

    Classic :D Thanks for reminding me of a show from my childhood :)


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