
Wednesday 27 January 2010

Back the Pub - Early Day Motion

From Brew Wales

A quick look at the Early Day Motions (EDMs) tabled by our Westminster politicians comes up with this one from the Chair of the Parliamentary Beer Group John Grogan MP and signed by Nigel Evans MP the Vice-Chair of the Group so it has cross-party support. To date 21 MPs have signed the motion so have a read of the motion and then please consider writing to your MP, asking them to sign this EDM and support the campaign to Back the Pub.

EDM 687
Grogan, John
That this House welcomes the I'm Backing the Pub campaign by the British Beer and Pub Association, Society of Independent Brewers and supported by the Campaign for Real Ale, the Confederation of British Industry, Visit Britain, British Hospitality Association, Local Government Association, Central Council of Physical Recreation and UK Music to promote British pubs and British beer; believes that pubs lie at the social heart of communities across the country, employ more than half a million people across the UK, and provide an important contribution to national income; recognises the social benefits of the responsible enjoyment of lower-strength drinks like beer; and notes that with more than 50 pubs closing every week it is vital that the Government, industry, local authorities and others work together to support a quintessentially British institution and Britain's national drink as part of efforts to enhance community life and promote economic recovery.

A good one to get your local MP to sign up for so please write to your local MP asking them to sign EDM 687 and support the British Pub.
Your MP
House of Commons 

Unfortunately my MP, being a PPS refuses to sign EDMs, however she will still b receiving a letter off me!

There is also a Back the Pub video

1 comment:

  1. Just curious but doesn't the VAT on alcohol go up in March? Added to Gordan Politically Correct Brown banning 'all you can drink' and 'Happy Hour' Won't 2010 be a record high for pubs closing particularly in Newport as they all do all you can drink..

    As in the day in Newport Pubs nothing is stirring not even a mouse


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