
Wednesday 22 July 2009

Queens Hotel, Newport

Popped into the newly refurbished Queens Hotel in Newport. Now a JDW Lloyds No1, Brew Wales has a particular attachment to the Queens Hotel as his first job from school was working for Belhaven Inns in this pub. No Bass on nowadays but the handpumps offer 7 different real ales, unfortunately only 2 of the handpumps were serving ales. Another case of Wethersoons advertising beers for sale that are not available. Yes, Brew Wales realises that Tim Martin said that it is not company policy to offer for sale beers that are not available, but the managers get marked down by their superiors for not putting on a full range. Still a just about drinkable pint of Old Hooky was enjoyed, even if the barman had to be asked to top the pint up as half an inch of head is not acceptable. Early days for the Queens but this latest incarnation as a Lloyds No1 is better than the Aussie theme bar it was before. Should keep the ghosts happy.

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