
Monday 6 July 2009

Eli Jenkins, Cardiff Bay

As one of the closest pubs to the Welsh Assembly and Torchwood Headquarters you would expect this to be a good pub. Unfortunately or perhaps because of those reasons, Brew Wales found the place a bit of a shit hole. Only 2 real ales on; Brains Bitter and a very warm Caledonian Deuchars IPA. Infiderent staff, all 5 of them, who could have been better employed cleaning the sticky tables than hanging around the bar chatting. Brasswork on the handpumps could also do with a clean, won't even risk the food here due to general uncleaniness. Tatty seat coverings and the staff laughing at but not refusing to serve drunk customers add to the ambiance of this establishment. This pub could be a lot better if the owners tried a little bit.

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