
Thursday 5 February 2009

Vulcan - Welsh Assembly response

The historic Vulcan pub in Cardiff is threatened with demolition and even the Welsh Assembly is trying to save the pub with a Statement of Opinion (roughly equivalent to a Parliamentary EDM) which I reproduce below. Well done to those AMs who have signed this

OPIN-2008- 0088 - Save the Vulcan!

Raised By:

Jenny Randerson


Leanne Wood 12/11/2008

Peter Black 12/11/2008

Nick Ramsay 12/11/2008

Dai Lloyd 13/11/2008

Bethan Jenkins 13/11/2008

Nerys Evans 13/11/2008

Gareth Jones 13/11/2008

Rhodri Glyn Thomas 13/11/2008

Chris Franks 13/11/2008

Mohammad Asghar 13/11/2008

Leanne Wood 13/11/2008

Helen Mary Jones 13/11/2008

Mick Bates 18/11/2008

Michael German 18/11/2008

David Melding 18/11/2008

Christine Chapman 20/11/2008

Kirsty Williams 24/11/2008

Andrew RT Davies 26/01/2008

Eleanor Burnham 30/01/2009

Save the Vulcan!

This Assembly:

Opposes the proposed demolition of The Vulcan Hotel in Adamsdown, Cardiff and calls on the developers to re-consider their proposals with a view to saving this historic pub.

Believes that it will be a great loss to Cardiff and Wales if, in 2009, this pub pulls its last pint.

It's not surprising so many AMs have registered their disgust at the demolition of part of Cardiff's past, nor that very few Labour AMs have signed this motion. After all we have a teetotal Prime Minister ruining this country and the Labour Assembly Members hardly want to be seen supporting a pub that their bible-bashing-beer-hating-one-eyed-leader wants to demolish to satisfy his associates in the temperance movement.

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