
Friday 10 October 2008

Beer cheaper than water!

Nigel Evans MP for Ribble Valley and Vice-chair of the Parliamentary Beer Group, has tabled an early day motion slamming supermarkets for selling beer cheaper than water.

EDM 2159

That this House notes with concern that Asda supermarkets are selling Skol lager at a price of £0.90 pence for 4x440ml cans which is the equivalent of 5.11 pence per 100ml; further notes that Asda supermarkets are selling Evian still water at 5.55 pence per 100ml; is appalled that any supermarket is selling beer cheaper than water; questions whether this is an example of loss leading sales; encourages all supermarkets to cease this practice immediately; recognises the negative effect that this has on the brewing and pub industries, with 36 pub closures a week; and calls on the Government to look at the pricing policy of beers in supermarkets as opposed to public houses.

According to Nigel Evans MP, "These are lunatic prices and are creating a high street booze war. If not checked, the problem will escalate and everybody will loose. Binge drinkers will fall ill, the NHS will see a rise in alcohol related cases and the pubs and brewing industries will be crippled. We need to act now before the situation gets any worse.I will also be writing to the Secretary of State for Health to make sure that he is aware of the situation.”

37 MPs have signed this motion so far by Friday 10th October check if your MP has signed the EDM here - if you want to help save local pubs then please write to your local MP asking them to sign EDM 2159
The address for MPs is
House of Commons

Brew Wales spotted beer from a local brewery available at a discounted price in Tesco earlier this year. A quick call to the brewery established that the beer was being sold by this major supermarket chain at a loss, ie, they were charging less than the purchase price for it. What seems to be happening is that major supermarkets are selling alcohol at a loss just to get customers in through the door. Bad news for pubs who are charged extortionate prices for their beers by pub companies. No wonder we have 36 pub closures a week!
Just spotted the latest ludicrous price for lager - Tescos doing 18 bottles of lager for £5! Down from £14.99.
Anyway I'm off to the pub to celebrate my birthday!

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